research paper prompts

Composing A Brilliant Research Paper Introduction And Conclusion

A first impression can be the most important part of writing a research paper. Equal only to the conclusion. These two contributing factors are exactly what it take to make or break an entire essay. It doesn't matter how well written the rest of the dissertation is, if the introduction and the conclusion are mediocre the whole paper will fall. Your introduction must have a hook, it is this that pulls the reader in and gets them salivating at the mouth to the point that they must consume more and more. Then you must have the transition, this is the sentence that connects the hook with the thesis. Now comes the thesis, this is only a sentence or two that summarizes the overall main point of the paper. There are some ways to ensure you are doing this right, here are a few simple steps you can follow. Try opening up with a,

  • Thesis statement, the more traditional way to open a paper. This is a summary of the whole essay.
  • The Anecdote, share a short story with the reader. You should try and catch their attention and keep it. This will give the dissertation the feel that it was written by an actual person. It gives it that personal touch.
  • Open with a quotation, this way is a lot more interactive. Make the reader feel like they are playing a part in the paper.
  • Open with an interesting statistic, to help grab the reader use a statistic like an effective introduction. Give them something they can sink their teeth into.
  • Open with a question, this is probably the easiest way to open because it presents a question to be answered later in the paper. The reader will often have a question in mind when thinking about your topic.

Now let’s concentrate on the conclusion, this is where you will close your essay.

  • Summary closing, more often than not it is a simple restatement of the thesis. There is not a lot of difference between the opening and the closing summary statements in as much as they are the most traditional methods.
  • Close with a logical conclusion, this is great for those papers with a more argumentative or opinionated nature that present two or more sides to the same topic.
  • Close with a speculation or opinion, this is best for when the writer cannot come up with an answer to what he was researching.
  • Close with recommendations, this is when the writer encourages the reader to show support for a cause or a plea for them to take action.

You write the conclusion to give a brief summary of the thesis. To be a reliable author, your piece must have a beginning, a middle and an end. Your conclusion is there to tell your reader that the dissertation has now come to an end.

Anthony R Collins

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